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4th Dan

Aikido Martial Art


Avi Raveh gained more than 25 years of experience in practicing Aikido. With a true passion for teaching, Avi has dedicated himself to sharing the art of Aikido with students of all ages, bringing a unique approach to his instruction. 


Aikido is a Japanese martial art which shows a way to create harmony with nature.
Ai – Harmony
Ki – Energy
Do – way

Aikido movements are compatible with the laws of nature which include maintaining flowing flexibility and a stable body center. Aikido techniques are built from a dynamic point of view so that the essence of the techniques is a complete rotational motion. The resulting circular flow creates unity with the opponent's movement and takes it out of equilibrium while maintaining our own balance. The study of Aikido also includes training with three types of weapons: a wooden stick (Jo), a sword (Bokken) and a knife (Tanto).

Aikido Martial Art

Aikido is the path of spiritual harmony and the art of assimilation and unity with nature. There is no struggle or adversary, only a harmonious connection between our spirit and the spirit of the universe. The techniques of Aikido are the physical fulfillment of this harmony. The secret of the Aikido lies in the unity of spirit, mind, and body.
Aikido is the way to call people to unite and complete them in the spirit of love whenever they may attack us. When people approach with anger, appease them with a smile.


Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei

Aikido was founded in Japan by Morihei Ueshiba, who combined his knowledge in various types of martial arts with spiritual training. He began to teach the way, which he later called Aikido. Morihei Ueshiba believed that the purpose of martial art training is to arrive at harmony and Aikido is a method of learning to achieve harmony. The added value of Aikido has made the essence of Aikido different from that of other arts. Aikido has no fixed form or style, as the movement of Aikido is the movement of nature, whose secret is deep and infinite.

Aikido Martial Art
Shuji Maruyama Sensei

Shuji Maruyama Sensei

Shuji Maruyama was a student of Morihei Ueshiba, who founded the style of Aikido called Kokikai. Shuji Maruyama was sent to the United States to teach Aikido in 1966, however, later he followed his direct sensei Koichi Tohei who left the Aikido to found Ki-Aikido. Shuji Maruyama began to develop his own style of teaching until he founded the Kokikai organization. He encourages his students to continue to grow and develop during their lives, as he himself expands the techniques of the Kokikai style. He lives and teaches at Kokikai Dojo in Nagoya, Japan and attends Seminars in Kokikai Dojo's around the world.


Shuji Maruyama Sensei

The Kokikai Style

The Kokikai style focuses on natural movement, Ki development, relaxation, good posture and mind-body coordination, which enable people to reach their full potential. The Kokikai teaches the use of effective techniques with little physical effort according to the principle of "minimum effort for maximum effect".  This Kokikai's principle creates an effective self-defense method, which does not rely on physical strength and age.

Shuji Maruyama Sensei

The 4 Basic Principles of the Kokikai:

1. Keep One Point to develop calmness

2. Relax Progressively

3. Find the Correct Posture in everything

4. Develop a Positive Mind




Homma G. Children and the Martial Arts, An Aikido Point of view. California.: North Atlantic Books and Colorado.: Domo Productions, 1993.

Ueshiba K. Aikido. Japan Publications Trading, 1985.

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